Ricky Erre Love - Novulation - Argenis Brito Remix

"OUT ON 24th MAY 2012" (Vinyl) buy on : http://www.e-n.it/index.php?fnd_1=0&fnd_2=mkl003&art=29517 buy on : http://www.discopiu.com/djstore/share_disco.aspx?Id=art65404 buy on : http://www.nikamusicstore.it/ricky-erre-love-novulation-metroklang.html supported by: Marcus 'Makossa, Pier Bucci, Sascha Ries, Nico Lahs, Michel de Hey, Aldo Cadiz , Pawas, Gel Abril, Renato Cohen, Adrew Grant, Orde Meikle, Michel de Hey, Federico Grazzini, Ralf, Lula Circus, Sercan, Franco Bianco and many more! The new album by Ricky Erre Love is called "Novulation" for Pugliese label Metroklang Records, who took it to the third stage in a musical adventure entirely "underground". The vinyl comes after the first one "Barduloso" (April 2011), with contributions from Yapacc in the remix, and the second "Disco Ball", (November 2011) featuring Chilean DJ Aldo Cadiz. The album is promoted with the support of PUGLIA SOUNDS - PO FESR PUGLIA 2007/2013 ASSE IV. "Novulation" expresses a musical concept rich in content: which is the creation of a new creature, a being who is, who wants to live and wants to express himself. Ricky Erre Love, with this new album, leads us to discover a new generation of house techno. "Novulation" a track that gives name to the project, is characterized by elements of old school, rich shades of dub and techno, with an evocative and dreamy percussive melodic development. The groove is complemented by a bass-line that is full-bodied and attractive. Overall, the track retains softness and elegance. The same song is remixed by the Venezuelan Argenis Brito, former star of several record releases on labels like Cadenza and Nice Cat: in his interpretation of "Novulation", you feel the entire culture of the South American and African funk influences creating music for clubs. With "Walking In Love" it continues with a colorful sound journey: the lead being with the electronic guitars, defined by a carat dub and enlivened by a funky bass, eclectic melodic and gentle rug, designed to generate an entrancing atmosphere. Written and produced by Gaetano Ricatti remix and additional production by: argenis brito guitar sinth: Gaetano Ricatti & Giuseppe Daleno special thanks to: Alessandro Dimonte mixed by: David Campanini mastered by: Simon Francis @ Wired Masters, London distributed by: Electronix Network artwork by: francescodibiase.com published by ©control, Metroklang Records info & demo www.metroklangrecords.com demo@metroklangrecords.com info@metroklangrecords.com
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